
Sunrise NPPA Dermatology and Procedures Conference

The Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA) is the first and largest organization dedicated to the education and professional practice of dermatology nurses and nurse practitioners. DNA is a national organization. At the time of this writing, there are 11 local chapters throughout the United States of America. The President of the Florida chapter is Dr. Patricia Delgado, DNP, AGPCNP, DCNP, PMHNP. She's currently preparing for the 2024 Sunrise NPPA Dermatology and Procedures Conference in October. In this article, I share more about the DNA, how you can start a local chapter, and what to expect at the upcoming conference.

Dermatology Nurses' Association: Florida Chapter

Dr. Patricia Delgado, DNP, AGPCNP, DCNP, PMHNP. has served as President of the Florida Chapter of the Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA) since November 2019. Under her leadership, the chapter has been steadfast in its mission to spread education and awareness about dermatology to nurses, healthcare providers, and the public alike.

Dr. Delgado's journey with the DNA is inspiring. She discovered the Dermatology Certification program through the organization and has since become a staunch advocate for this credential. She believes that obtaining certification is a transformative step for nurses and nurse practitioners passionate about dermatology. It enhances their expertise, enriches their practice, and significantly benefits the patients they serve.

Dr. Delgado's dedication and vision has propelled the chapter forward, fostering a community of well-informed, highly skilled professionals committed to advancing dermatological care. In addition to serving as President of Sunrise, she also:

-Founded Sunrise Skin & Wellness where she focuses on disease prevention and holistic care

-Offers coaching calls for practicing and aspiring dermatology clinicians

-Serves as the Membership Director of Tampa Bay Advanced Practice Nurses Council

-Is an accomplished author, speaker, and researcher

The 2024 Sunrise NPPA Dermatology and Procedures Conference

The Sunrise NPPA Dermatology and Procedure Conference will take place October 11-12, 2024 at the stunning Hilton Clearwater Beach. This event promises a blend of insightful education, hands-on learning, and professional growth.

Conference Agenda Overview:

- Keynote Address by Dr. Brad Glick: Dr. Glick returns to share strategies for managing psoriasis and the latest JAK inhibitors. His session will focus on building trust and effectively communicating with patients about these new treatments.

- Matthew Brunner, PA-C: Dive into dermatitis herpetiformis and learn how to advance your career to become a regional and national leader in dermatology.

- Kristin Burton, PA-C: Owner of Strive Coaching, Kristin will guide us on achieving financial freedom and passive income, allowing us to maintain high standards of patient care without succumbing to employer pressures.

- Dermoscopy Presentation by Timothy August, PA-C: Timothy will share his global experiences and expertise, offering valuable insights into dermoscopy.

- Psychology of Skin Disease: A psychologist will expand our understanding of the emotional and psychological impacts of skin diseases on our patients.

- Procedure Workshop: Join surgical experts Theresa Talens, DNP, and Tristan Hasbargen, PA-C, for a hands-on session covering basic and intermediate procedural skills. Expect a highly engaging and educational experience. Dr. Talens has been practicing dermatology for more than ten years. She is the Founder and CEO of P.U.L.S.E Dermatology where she focuses on Precision. Ultimate Care. Leverage. Skills. Excellence®. She has created an online advanced suturing workshop for dermatology NPs and PAs (8 CMEs). The workshop was designed to build your confidence, improve your suturing techniques, and achieve optimal patient outcomes! She hosted a workshop at the Society of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners (SDNP) 2024 Conference in April and will be announcing some exciting opportunities to work with her even more closely in the upcoming months. Tristan is a highly accomplished PA with more than ten years of experience in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology. His credentials include: Diplomate Fellow, SDPA Clerkship faculty-FSU PA program, Dermsquared PA/NP advisory board member, and former Journal and Education chair for Diversity in Dermatology. In addition to their clinical skills, they are kindhearted, humble, and passionate about education and mentorship. I can personally vouch for their character and sincerity. They have welcomed me into dermatology with open arms and will do the same for you!

- Improv Workshop with Tom Delgado: Back by popular demand, Tom will teach improv strategies to enhance communication with patients and colleagues. This interactive session promises both fun and practical takeaways.

Networking and Legal Insights

- Business Attorneys Panel: At our reception, you'll have the opportunity to engage with three business attorneys. Gain insights into the latest in employment law for APPs, and find the right legal support for reviewing contracts or establishing your own practice.

2023 Conference Review

I had the pleasure of attending the 2023 Sunrise NPPA Dermatology and Procedures Conference thanks to the Co-Vice President, Dr. Keischa Cash, DNP, APRN, DCNP who was kind enough to invite me. I thoroughly enjoyed the suturing workshop where I had the opportunity to work on both my basic and advanced suturing skills with a quality kit that I was able to take home! I used the workshop to network and learn more about productivity and the unique compensation structures in dermatology for Advances Practice Providers or APPs (which includes NPs and PAs). I was honored to meet Tonja Johnson, the Founder of Beautifully Unblemished, a support group for patients and loved ones experiencing vitiligo. She has turned into a dear friend who was kind enough to appear on my podcast in June for Vitiligo Awareness Month. You will hear more about her and our collaborations in the future. The biggest surprise was Patricia's brother, Tom Delgado, an attorney turned comedian! Whether you're looking to be a public speaker or not, you will learn some helpful tools to increase engagement, audience attention, and your own confidence during his improv workshop!

This conference is not just about education; it's about empowering you to provide exceptional dermatological care while advancing your career. Don't miss this opportunity to learn, network, and grow in a vibrant and supportive environment. Register today and be a part of this transformative event!

DMV Dermatology NP + PA Group

I was inspired to start the DMV Dermatology NP + PA Group after attending the Sunrise NPPA Dermatology & Procedures conference!!! I was really touched by the camaraderie of the chapter members and wanted to have a similar experience in my hometown. At the time of this writing, the group is not even one year old yet, but we just hosted our first in-person Meet & Greet sponsored by Arcutis who just announced that zoryve has received FDA approval for the treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis. Zoryve is also FDA approved for the treatment of plaque psoriasis (topical cream) and seborrheic dermatitis (topical foam).

Fun Facts About Zoryve (roflumilast)


-Once daily application

-No time limit for treatment

-Helps decrease post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

-Can be applied to intertriginous folds or sensitive areas like the face

-Has 3 FDA approvals: plaque psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis

DMV Dermatology Fall Meet & Greets & Friendsgiving

Our fall DMV Meet & Greet will be on Thursday September 26, 2024 at National Harbor. The specific venue will be announced closer to the date. I recently announced that we're expanding our territory into Blacksburg and Richmond, Virginia. We're in the early planning stages for these in-person Meet and Greets. The dates, times, venues, and RSVP instructions will be announced soon, stay tuned by joining our member-only, private Facebook page or by joining the Mahogany Dermatology community to be notified via email. If you live or practice in Blacksburg, Richmond, or nearby, please join today and tell all your colleagues to join as well.

The Dermatology Nurses' Association: Local Edition

In December 1986, the Dermatology Nurses' Association introduced the concept of local chapters during its Annual Business Meeting. At the time of this writing, there are eleven active chapters across various states and Canada, providing a fantastic platform for education and networking among dermatology professionals.

Benefits of Local Chapters

Local chapters offer members contact hour credits through educational activities funded by external sources. As a DNA member, you’re automatically registered to a local chapter in your area, enhancing your professional development and community connections.

Chapter Advisors

The DNA National Office plays a crucial role in assisting and advising regional chapters. Their responsibilities include:

1. Liaison Role: Acting as a bridge between chapters and the Board of Directors.

2. Formation Assistance: Helping establish new chapters.

3. Support & Advice: Providing ongoing support and guidance to existing chapters.

4. Mentorship: Mentoring chapter officers.

5. Meeting Attendance: Attending chapter meetings whenever possible.

6. Networking: Facilitating networking among DNA members.

Starting a New Chapter

Interested in forming a chapter in your area? Check out the Chapter Manual and reach out to the DNA National Office via email at dna@dnanurse.org or contact them online.

Kimberly Madison, DNP, AGPCNP-BC

I am a nurse practitioner with a passion for writing, entrepreneurship, education, and mentorship. I created this blog to share my journey as source of motivation and as a blueprint as you embark on your journey. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to increasing access to dermatology education and clinical training for aspiring and practicing nurse practitioners. I invite you to view the mission and vision statement on the homepage to see how we can best partner to make our dreams align.

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