
5 Social Media Dermatology Personalities

Navigating social media is challenging for nurse practitioners, and healthcare professionals in general. So much of our practice is based on confidentiality and protecting patient’s privacy, and social media feels like the complete opposite. Since starting Mahogany Dermatology, I’ve noticed some trends when it comes to the different social media dermatology personalities you’ll find on Instagram. In this article I’ve provided a brief summary of those personalities as the first part of a series on Social Media for Healthcare Providers. It’s meant to serve as a guide, and also bring some levity to your decision.

The Influencer

They may or may not be seen in work attire or in a clinical setting majority of the time. They create more lifestyle than dermatology content. They participate in affiliate programs, welcome sponsorships, create ads, and offer discount codes. Their engagement with their followers increases the demand for their clinical services.


The Educator

For the most part, they only appear in work attire or in the same (work) setting. Their target audience is patients and potential clients, not other healthcare professionals. They are abreast of the latest social media trends and incorporate them into their post to grow their following. They disclose very little personal information. They clearly state their level of education and certification.


The Infopreneur

The primary aim is to provide information. The person running the page is generally anonymous. There is an obvious brand when it comes to the appearance of each post. If they consistently offer quality content, they will have a large following.


The Entrepreneur

They create content for other healthcare professionals.Their presence on social media has been dedicated to their journey. They are very transparent about the resources they use, and the cost of and return on their investment. They are more likely to offer mentorship and coaching than any other personality. Their messaging centers around mindshift and avoiding limited thinking.


The Personality

We came for the dermatology, but stayed for their personality. They are not afraid to be different or share their POV, even if it is unpopular. They are extremely charming, funny, and/or engaging in comments and live feeds. They do the most collaborations of any personality. They are not shy about being successful or showing it off.

What other personalities have you noticed? Which one do you think is the best fit for me? Follow Mahogany Dermatology to be notified when I post new articles for this series on Social Media for Healthcare Providers.

Kimberly Madison, DNP, AGPCNP-BC

Kimberly Madison is a new dermatology nurse practitioner with a passion for writing, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and mentorship. I created this blog to share my journey as I become a dermatology nurse practitioner and entrepreneur. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to helping nurse practitioners and aspiring students to better understand the business of dermatology and their role to improving access to care, providing culturally competent care, and advancing education.

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